Our offer

Our offer consists of nearly forty different products which are flexible and adaptable services designed to respond to our clients needs.

Pro-assessments of leaders, managers, entrepreneurs
Large Groups: financial holdings, industrial groups / service industries
Leaders of holding companies and industrial groups / service industries
  • Pro-assessment of current CEOs and managing directors – helping with leadership changes


    Pro-assessment of current CEOs and managing directors. Exploring and developing leadership with a view to introducing changes.

    Target population

    Current leaders of financial holdings and industrial and services corporations.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Boards of directors or general management of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations. Investment funds and other financial institutions. Strategic consultancy firms. The individuals themselves.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a range of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of those involved in providing the service

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Handover and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Identifying leadership potential and development recommendations


    Assessing high-potential candidates with a view to filling the position of CEO or general manager of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations in the medium term. Exploring, developing, supporting and making recommendations to ensure that the potential identified is fulfilled.

    Target population

    Internal and external candidates destined to take up No. 1 positions in financial holdings, industrial and services corporations in the medium term.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Boards of directors or general management of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations. Investment funds and other financial institutions. Head hunters. Strategic consultancy firms.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Selecting possible successors to leaders


    Internal search for one or more suitable successors to CEOs and general managers of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations. Where there is no suitable internal candidate, an external search is available as an option (additional contract).

    Target population

    Internal candidates for succession identified by the company. Leaders head-hunted on the market.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Company (through executive management, human resources, etc.). Investment funds. Head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a range of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions. In addition to these criteria, we also use criteria related to the company’s culture and its leadership model as provided by the instructing party.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Internal search For each individual: Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback to relevant party: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Handover of final overall report on list of successors and development recommendations for those selected to the contact person appointed by the company, the investment fund or any other instructing party. If the internal search does not provide any suitable candidate and if Leaders Excellence Partners is contracted to head-hunt, we will find one or more candidates on the market and carry out the same Pro-assessment procedure as for internal candidates.

  • Focus on female leaders of industrial and services corporations

    This package is similar to the package ‘Pro-assessment of current CEOs and managing directors – helping with leadership changes’, while taking account of the specific issue of female leaders.

    The emphasis is on measuring a range of psychological, behavioural and cultural criteria that are specific to women, as equality of treatment of men and women should not be allowed to mask the differences in their managerial behaviour.

    Leaders Excellence Partners has developed a specific repository of female leaders from interviews and observations on the ground, published studies and research in this area. This Pro-assessment is based on the findings of this work.

Key managers of holding companies and industrial groups / service industries
  • Pro-assessment of current key managers – helping adjust their management style

    Key managers are all strategic No. 1s and No. 2s for holdings and industrial and services corporations. The Pro-assessment methodology is the same for all key managers. However, as business skills vary from one field to another, a specific section on field-specific criteria is implemented according to the type of key manager being assessed.


    Pro-assessment of current key managers. Exploring and developing leadership with a view to introducing changes.

    Target population

    Current key managers of financial holdings and industrial and services corporations.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Group general management (general management, human resources, management executives, directors, etc.).

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    ELMEVAL®: method of application The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a range of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a recognised professional who has expertise in the specific field of the key manager being assessed (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Identifying leadership potential and development recommendations


    Assessing high-potential candidates with a view to filling the position of CEO or general manager of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations in the medium term. Exploring, developing, supporting and making recommendations to ensure that the potential identified is fulfilled.

    Target population

    Internal and external candidates destined to take up No. 1 positions in financial holdings, industrial and services corporations in the medium term.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Boards of directors or general management of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations. Investment funds and other financial institutions. Head hunters. Strategic consultancy firms.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Selecting possible successors to strategic managers

    Key managers are all strategic No. 1s and No. 2s for holdings and industrial and services corporations. The Pro-assessment methodology is the same for all key managers. However, as business skills vary from one field to another, a specific section on field-specific criteria is implemented according to the type of key manager being assessed.


    Internal search for one or more suitable successors to CEOs and general managers of financial holdings or industrial and services corporations. Where there is no suitable internal candidate, an external search is available as an option (additional contract).

    Target population

    Internal candidates for succession identified by the company. Leaders head-hunted on the market.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Company (general management, human resources, etc.). Investment funds. Head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a range of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions. In addition to these criteria, we also use criteria related to the company’s culture and its leadership model as provided by the instructing party.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Internal search For each individual: Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback to relevant party: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours).

    Handover of final overall report on list of successors and development recommendations for those selected to the contact person appointed by the company, the investment fund or any other instructing party.

    Si la recherche interne ne fournit pas de candidat et que le mandat de recherche par chasse est confié ŕ Leaders Excellence Partners, ce dernier trouve un ou plusieurs candidats sur le marché auxquels il applique le męme processus d’évaluation que pour les candidats en interne.

  • Focus on key female managers

    This package is similar to the package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’ management style’, while taking account of the specific issue of female leaders.

    Leaders Excellence Partners has developed a specific repository of female leaders from interviews and observations on the ground, published studies and research in this area. This Pro-assessment is based on the findings of this work.

    The emphasis is on measuring a range of psychological, behavioural and cultural criteria that are specific to women, as equality of treatment of men and women should not be allowed to mask the differences in their managerial behaviour.

    Key managers are all strategic No. 1s and No. 2s for financial holdings and industrial and services corporations. The Pro-assessment methodology is the same for all key managers. However, as business skills vary from one field to another, a specific section on field-specific criteria is implemented according to the type of key manager being assessed.

  • Managers of subsidiaries and business units

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a range of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for managers of subsidiaries and business units.

  • Directors of production units

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a range of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for directors of production units.

  • Financial directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a range of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for financial directors.

  • Directeurs marketing / commercial

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a range of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for marketing and sales directors.

  • Strategy directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a range of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for strategy directors.

  • Scientific and R&D directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a range of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for scientific and R&D directors.

  • Information systems and telecommunications directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a set of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for information systems and telecommunications directors.

  • Public relations and communications directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a set of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for PR and communications directors.

  • Legal directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a set of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for legal directors.

  • Administrative directors and general secretaries

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a set of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for administrative directors and general secretaries.

  • Human resources directors

    See package ‘Pro-assessment of key current managers – helping adjust their management style’.

    Phase 2 (managerial portrait) includes a specific section for assessing the relevant manager according to a set of business criteria developed specifically by Leaders Excellence Partners for human resources directors.

Board of Directors / executive committees
  • Auditing the balance and complementarity of skills within boards of directors – recommendations for change

    +of+NB: This package is not an audit of whether legal governance rules have been followed by the relevant board of directors but rather an audit of the strategic and managerial skills of the board of directors.++


    Predictive audit of how a board of directors operates in an overall sense. Pro-assessment of collective strengths and identification of potential weaknesses. Recommendations for rebalancing where necessary the balance between men and women, nationals and internationals, cultural diversity, education and experience in order to optimise decision-making and minimise risks.

    Target population

    All members of a board of directors.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Majority shareholders in a company, investment funds and banks. The board of directors itself or its chairman/chairwoman.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    From interviews and mini-surveys carried out among members of the board of directors, certain categories of shareholders and stakeholders in the political, social and environmental environment: +of+Key indicators++ to be measured: Complementarity of skills Cultural complementarity Gender balance Qualitative Pro-assessment of a number of +of+critical strategic factors++: Potential for collective strategic vision Proactiveness / responsiveness Good grasp of risks and opportunities

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Individual interview with each member of the board of directors (1 hour). Objective: drawing up an individual report that is as complete as possible. Mini-survey of a number of key stakeholders (majority shareholders, groups of minority shareholders, analysts, journalists, etc.). Drafting of report.

  • Benchmarking and audit of executive committee or management committee composition


    For a given company, a benchmarking study of peers (same type of activity/similar size) concerning executive committee and/or management committee composition is realized. An international reference “updated state of the art” of executive or management committee is built according to data obtained from peer group analysis. Evaluation of global strong points and deficiencies of executive and/or management committee of Client Company as compared to reference. Rebalancing recommendation as needed in terms of +ob+areas of competence++. Women/men, national/international ratios, cultural diversity and education factors are also taken into account.


    Organize executive and/or management committee of firm in a way that strengthens decision making pertinence: cross competences, responsiveness to situations, and efficiency of decisions implementation. Define individual and global areas of competence. Make adjustment recommendations.

    Target Population

    All members of executive and/or management committee.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    The company board or its Chairman. The Chief Executive Officer of the company.

    ELMEVAL : method of application inside company

    Members of executive/management committees and their direct reports will be Interviewed and asked to respond to mini surveys so that

    1. A certain number of +ob+indicators++ can be computed:

    • complementarities of competences,
    • complementarities of culture,
    • men/women balance.

    2. Qualitative Pro-assessment of certain +ob+critical strategic factors++:

    • potential of global strategic vision,
    • pro activity / reactivity,
    • grasping opportunities and threats; correct risk evaluation.

    Description and role of those involved in providing the service

    Assignment will be conducted in pair by a senior consultant of the practice and a consultant with expertise in strategic development. A peer group proposal is made to the client so that the panel can be checked prior to conducting the benchmarking analysis. All members of executive/management committees and their direct reports will undergo individual interviews for profiling. A report will be written. It will provide recommendation and an action plan.

  • Focus on Female members of boards of directors


    Pro-assessment with a view to making an appointment to a given board of directors. Exploring women’s potential to fill such a role (with a view to developing a pool of potential directors).

    Target population

    Female leaders and managers considered by the instructing party as having the skills, experience or short-term potential to fill a directorship.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Public sector, boards of directors, organisations that promote female leadership, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    There are two distinct cases: Women who are already in this type of position. In this case, the Pro-assessment will involve a one-hour interview. Objectives: drawing up a summary portrait and providing an evaluation of their contribution to the board of directors as well as their distinctive assets. Women who have never had this type of position. In this case, the Pro-assessment will be similar to the Pro-assessment for female leaders.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Either a one-hour interview with the founder of Leaders Excellence Partners, or standard ELMEVAL® application for female leaders.

Small and medium sized companies
  • Pro-assessment of currently employed SME directors and owners – helping with leadership changes


    Exploring and developing leadership (providing management support to directors and owners).

    Target population

    Current SME directors and owners.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Current CEOs of SMEs. Bankers, financial advisers or business bankers. Investment funds and individual investors.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria as outlined in the Leaders Excellence Partners document “SME directors and owners”.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Pro-assessment of SME management teams – upskilling


    Pro-assessment of each current team member. Predictive audit of operating effectiveness of team as a global yet unique entity. Recommendations and implementation of improvement measures (support/coaching, training, possibly changing inappropriate team members, searching for suitable candidates, etc.).

    Target population

    Current members of the SME management team (including CEO).

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Financial advisers, investment funds or business bankers. SME directors.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Part 1 is applied for each team member, taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria as outlined in the Leaders Excellence Partners document “SME directors and owners”. Application of Parts 2 and 3 of the specific ELMEVAL® module involving a specific management audit +i1+(pending module to address the following issues: “Companies in transit” and “Pro-assessment of Boards of Directors”)+i2+.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    For part 1, the short version of ELMEVAL® is applied by the Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (3 hours). For parts 2 and 3, recommendation and launch of procedure, collaboration with Leaders Excellence Partners consultant and strategic development expert (2 days). Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Pro-assessment of successor and/or purchaser of SME – helping with leadership changes and upskilling


    Pro-assessment of potential successors. Exploring and developing leadership (providing management support to successors or purchasers).

    Target population

    Prospective SME directors and owners (potential or imminent).

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Current SME director and/or who is looking for a successor. Head hunters. Bankers, financial advisers or business bankers. Investment funds and individual investors.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria as outlined in the Leaders Excellence Partners document “SME directors and owners”.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Succession and/or purchase: Audit of new business owner, identifying and assessing the management team


    When the director and/or founder of a medium-sized business (often a family-run business) has decided to sell the company for retiring or stepping down, choosing a successor, either internally or externally, can involve a significant turning point for the business in terms of its culture and management methods. The purpose of this package is to: Provide a methodology for choosing a successor (obviously, this does not apply where the business is being purchased or taken over unless the former director has to choose between more than one offer). Draw up a managerial portrait of the new business owner. Help the new owner build an effective and efficient management team, that is in line with his/her own management style and can support the change in business culture and management methods. Provide support and long-term follow-up to the new team.

    Target population

    The new business owner is the main focus of this managerial audit. The audit will also look at various candidates for management team positions (either current managers or potential new managers).

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Banks or investment funds, boards of directors or general management of purchasing company, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of ELMEVAL® to assess the managerial profile of the new business owner with particular focus on whether they have the qualities outlined in the Leaders Excellence Partners document “SME directors and owners” and, if possible, evaluation of the main differences compared to the outgoing director’s style. Depending on the new organisation being envisaged (or the various organisational options), we will issue recommendations on the choice of each candidate for the management team (similar to the key-managers issue). Then, we will carry out an overall predictive audit of the new management team (see above section on boards of management). We will make recommendations and suggestions for fine-tuning (consultancy, support and training for the new management team for the first 100 days after takeover).

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Standard application of method by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting) + presentation by a recognised expert in strategic development (3 hours) to business owner. Presentation by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant and standard application of Pro-assessment method for other management team members (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting). An additional presentation by a professional with expertise in the field may also be necessary. Interviews with the future general management team, brain-storming sessions and focus group work depending on requirements (the number of days required will depend on each specific situation). Fine-tuning for the first 100 days.

  • Focus on Female SME directors

    This package is similar to the package +bb+Pro-assessment of SME directors and owners – helping with leadership changes++, but also takes into account the specific issue of female leaders.

    The emphasis is on measuring a set of psychological, behavioural and cultural criteria that are specific to women. Promoting equity of treatment between men and women leaders does not necessarily mean that both genders should be evaluated on the same set of key managerial and leadership criteria.

    Leaders Excellence Partners has developed a specific repository of female leaders from interviews and observations on the ground, published studies and research in this area. This Pro-assessment is based on the findings of this work.

Emerging enterprises/technological start-up companies
  • Pro-assessment of entrepreneurs – upskilling management and leadership styles


    Exploring and developing leadership (providing management support to entrepreneurs).

    Target population

    Entrepreneurs in the start-up or development phase.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Entrepreneur. Bankers, financial advisers or business bankers. Investment funds and individual investors.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria as outlined in the Leaders Excellence Partners document “emerging businesses and tech start-ups”.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Pro-assessment of management teams of emerging businesses and tech start-ups


    Pro-assessment of each current team member. Predictive audit of operating effectiveness of team as a global yet unique entity. Recommendations and implementation of improvement measures (support/coaching, training, possibly changing team members who don’t have the right profile, searching for candidates with suitable profiles, etc.).

    Target population

    Current members of management teams (including CEOs) of emerging businesses and tech start-ups.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Financial advisers, investment funds or business bankers. Entrepreneurs.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Part 1 is applied for each team member, taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria as outlined in the Leaders Excellence Partners document “Emerging businesses and tech start-ups”. Application of Parts 2 and 3 of the specific ELMEVAL® module involving a specific management audit.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Pour le point 1, application ELMEVAL® courte par le consultant de Leaders Excellence Partners (3 h). Pour les points 2 et 3, préconisation et lancement de la démarche, collaboration consultant Leaders Excellence Partners et expert en développement stratégique (2 journées). Restitution / propositions de développement (2h).

  • Business unit spin-offs: Audit, change and support for management team of spin-off


    Following a spin-off operation, the management team of the business unit becomes the executive committee of the new company. They need to address new requirements and responsibilities. The purpose of this package is to: Carry out an audit of the intended post spin-off management team. Advise the instructing party on the choice of team members (ability to change and drive the new business forward, resistance to change, etc.). Carry out a predictive audit of operating effectiveness of team as a global yet unique entity. Help the management team of the new company to adapt to the new situation by providing advice, support and training. Help the CEO of the spin-off to adjust his/her leadership style by providing specific support and follow-up over a number of months.

    Target population

    Members of the new management team, with particular focus on the new CEO.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Banks or investment funds, boards of directors or general management of parent company, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of ELMEVAL® to assess all managers listed by the instructing party, with particular focus on their ability to adapt to being No. 1 and No. 2 in the new company where they were only No. 2 or No. 3 in the previous organisation. Depending on the new organisation envisaged (or the various organisational options) as provided by the instructing party, we will provide an Pro-assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each new management team member. We will issue an overall predictive audit of the new management team (see above section on boards of management). We will make recommendations and suggestions for fine-tuning (consultancy, support and training for the new management team for the first 100 days after takeover).

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Standard application of method by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting) + presentation by a recognised expert in strategic development (3 hours) to business owner. Presentation by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant and standard application of Pro-assessment method for other management team members (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting). An additional presentation by a professional with expertise in the field may also be necessary. Interviews with the general management team, brain-storming sessions and focus group work depending on requirements (the number of days required will depend on each specific situation). Fine-tuning for the first 100 days.

  • Focus on Female directors of emerging businesses

    This package is similar to the package +bb+Pro-assessment of entrepreneurs – helping with leadership changes++, but also takes into account the specific issue of female leaders.

    The emphasis is on measuring a set of psychological, behavioural and cultural criteria that are specific to women. Promoting equity of treatment between men and women leaders does not necessarily mean that both genders should be evaluated on the same set of key managerial and leadership criteria.

    Leaders Excellence Partners has developed a specific repository of female leaders from interviews and observations on the ground, published studies and research in this area. This Pro-assessment is based on the findings of this work.

Ngo / foundations
  • Pro-assessment of current leaders of NGOs and foundations


    Pro-assessment of current leaders of NGO or foundation. Exploring and developing leadership with a view to introducing changes.

    Target population

    Current leaders of NGO or foundation.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Boards of directors or general management of financial holdings or industrial and services groups that are the parent company of the foundation. Banks and/or private or public financial organisations. Board of directors of NGO or foundation.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Short-listing potential successors to NGO or foundation leaders


    Pro-assessment of high-potential candidates with a view to filling the position of NGO/foundation leader. Exploring, developing, supporting and making recommendations to ensure that the identified candidate achieves his/her full potential.

    Target population

    Internal and external candidates destined to take up the position of NGO/foundation leader in the medium term.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Boards of directors or general management of financial holdings or industrial and services groups that are the parent company of the foundation. Investment funds and other private or public financial institutions. Head hunters. Board of directors of NGO or foundation.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Pro-assessment of current key managers of NGOs and foundations

    Key managers are all strategic No. 1s and No. 2s for NGOs and foundations. The Pro-assessment methodology is the same for all key managers. However, as business skills vary from one field to another, an additional set of business-specific criteria is used to match the type of key manager being assessed.


    Pro-assessment of current key managers of NGO or foundation. Exploring and developing leadership with a view to introducing changes.

    Target population

    Current key managers of NGO or foundation.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Board of directors of NGO or foundation. NGO or foundation leader.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a recognised professional who has expertise in the specific field of the key manager being assessed (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Short-listing potential successors to key NGO or foundation managers

    Key managers are all strategic No. 1s and No. 2s for NGOs and foundations. The Pro-assessment methodology is the same for all key managers. However, as business skills vary from one field to another, an additional set of business-specific criteria is used to match the type of key manager being assessed.


    Internal search for one or more suitable successors to NGO or foundation leader. Alternatively, an external search is available as an option (additional contract).

    Target population

    Internal candidates for succession identified by the company. Leaders head-hunted on the market.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    General management of parent group of the foundation. Board of directors of NGO or foundation. NGO or foundation leader.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions. Additionally, we use criteria related to the company’s culture and its leadership model as provided by the instructing party.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Internal search For each individual: Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback to relevant party: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours).

    Handover of final overall report on list of successors and development recommendations for those short-listed to the contact person appointed by the company, the investment fund or any other instructing party.

    If the internal search does not provide any suitable candidate and if Leaders Excellence Partners is contracted to head-hunt, we will find one or more candidates on the market and carry out the same Pro-assessment procedure as for internal candidates.

  • Balance and complementarity of skills within the board of directors of an NGO or foundation

    +of+NB: This package is not an audit of whether legal governance rules have been followed by the relevant board of directors but rather an audit of the strategic and managerial skills of the board of directors.++


    Predictive audit of how a board of directors of an NGO or foundation operates in an overall sense. Pro-assessment of collective strengths and identification of potential weaknesses. Recommendations for rebalancing where necessary the balance between men and women, nationals and internationals, cultural diversity, education and experience in order to optimise decision-making and minimise risks.

    Target population

    All members of a board of directors of an NGO or foundation.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    General management of parent group of the foundation. Board of directors of NGO or foundation. NGO or foundation leader.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Pro-assessment based on interviews and mini-surveys carried out among members of the board of directors, certain categories of shareholders and stakeholders in the political, social and environmental environment. +of+Key indicators++ to be measured: Complementarity of skills Cultural complementarity Gender balance Qualitative Pro-assessment of a number of +of+critical strategic factors++: Potential for collective strategic vision Proactiveness / responsiveness Good grasp of risks and opportunities

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Individual interview with each member of the board of directors (1 hour) in order to draw up an individual report that is as complete as possible. Mini-survey of a number of key stakeholders (majority shareholders, groups of minority shareholders, analysts, journalists, etc.). Drafting of report.

Public Organizations
  • Pro-assessment of current CEO or general manager of a public-sector organisation


    Pro-assessment of current CEO or general manager of a public-sector organisation. Exploring and developing leadership with a view to introducing changes.

    Target population

    Current CEO or general manager of a public-sector organisation.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Ministry or state supervisory organisation. Board of directors of public-service organisation. The CEOs themselves.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Identifying leadership potential and development recommendations for public-sector organisations


    Pro-assessment of high-potential candidates with a view to filling the position of CEO of a public-service organisation. Exploring, developing, supporting and making recommendations to ensure that the identified candidate achieves his/her full potential.

    Target population

    Internal and external candidates destined to take up the position of CEO of a public-service organisation in the medium term.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Ministry or state supervisory organisation. Board of directors of public-service organisation. The CEO themselves. Head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Short-listing possible successors to leaders of a public-service organisation


    Internal search for one or more suitable successors to a CEO of a public-service organisation. Alternatively, an external search is available as an option (additional contract).

    Target population

    Internal candidates for succession identified by the company. Leaders head-hunted on the market

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Ministry or state supervisory organisation. Board of directors of public-service organisation. The CEO themselves. Head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions. Additionally, we use criteria related to the company’s culture and its leadership model as provided by the instructing party.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Internal search For each individual: Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback to relevant party: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours).

    Handover of final overall report on list of successors and development recommendations for those short-listed to the contact person appointed by the company, the investment fund or any other instructing party.

    If the internal search does not provide any suitable candidate and if Leaders Excellence Partners is contracted to head-hunt, we will find one or more candidates on the market and carry out the same Pro-assessment procedure as for internal candidates.

  • Female leaders of public-service organisations

    This package is similar to the package ‘Pro-assessment of current CEO or general manager of a public-sector organisation’, while taking account of the specific issue of female leaders.

    The emphasis is on measuring a set of psychological, behavioural and cultural criteria that are specific to women. Promoting equity of treatment between men and women leaders does not necessarily mean that both genders should be evaluated on the same set of key managerial and leadership criteria.

    Leaders Excellence Partners has developed a specific repository of female leaders from interviews and observations on the ground, published studies and research in this area. This Pro-assessment is based on the findings of this work.

  • Identifying key management potential and development recommendations for public-sector organisations

    Sont désignés comme managers-clés tous les n-1 et certains n-2 stratégiques pour les organisations publiques. La méthodologie d’Pro-assessment est la męme pour tous les managers-clés. Néanmoins, les compétences métiers variant, un volet spécifique de critčres métier est mis en śuvre en fonction du type de manager-clé évalué.


    Pro-assessment of high-potential candidates with a view to filling the position of key manager of a public-service organisation. Exploring, developing, supporting and making recommendations to ensure that the identified candidate achieves his/her full potential.

    Target population

    Internal and external candidates destined to take up key management positions in a public-service organisation in the medium term.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    General management of the public-service organisation (general management, human resources, management executives, directors, etc.).

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours). Presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours). Drafting of report. Feedback and development proposals (2 hours).

  • Short-listing possible successors to key managers of a public-service organisation

    Key managers are all strategic No. 1s and No. 2s of public-service organisations. The Pro-assessment methodology is the same for all key managers. However, as business skills vary from one field to another, an additional set of business-specific criteria is used to match the type of key manager being assessed.


    Internal search for one or more suitable successors of key managers of a public-service organisation. Alternatively, an external search is available as an option (additional contract).

    Target population

    Internal candidates for succession identified by the company. Leaders head-hunted on the market.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    General management of the public-service organisation (general management, human resources, management executives, directors, etc.). Head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions. Additionally, we also use criteria related to the company’s culture and its leadership model as provided by the instructing party.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Internal search For each individual: Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback to relevant party: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours).

    Handover of final overall report on list of successors and development recommendations for those short-listed to the contact person appointed by the company, the investment fund or any other instructing party.

    If the internal search does not provide any suitable candidate and if Leaders Excellence Partners is contracted to head-hunt, we will find one or more candidates on the market and carry out the same Pro-assessment procedure as for internal candidates.

  • Key female managers of public-service organisations

    This package is similar to the package +bb+Pro-assessment of key manager of a public-sector organisation++, while taking account of the specific issue of female leaders.

    The emphasis is on measuring a set of psychological, behavioural and cultural criteria that are specific to women. Promoting equity of treatment between men and women leaders does not necessarily mean that both genders should be evaluated on the same set of key managerial and leadership criteria.

    Leaders Excellence Partners has developed a specific repository of female leaders from interviews and observations on the ground, published studies and research in this area. This Pro-assessment is based on the findings of this work.

Female entrepreneurs, leaders, managers
  • Identifying, developing and supporting high-potential women


    The package title is self-explanatory.

    Target population

    Women in a management position within a company. Recently recruited women with excellent academic grades or identified as exceptional during the recruitment process.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Private-sector businesses.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Method applied in full.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    The long version of the ELMEVAL® application by the Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours) + additional presentation by a strategic development expert (3 hours). Feedback and development proposals (2 hours) – presentation by Leaders Excellence Partners.

    The short version (i.e. the cheaper option) involves an interview with the Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (3 hours + feedback/development proposals – 1 hour).

    Managerial support for high-potential women retained for a period lasting from 6 months to 1 year at the company’s request.

Enterprises in movement
  • Defining strategy: Pro-assessment – factoring in human resources and management data when drawing up strategic options


    As part of a strategic company audit, assess managerial human resources that are involved in strategic options.

    Target population

    Company board of directors.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Board of directors, bank or investment fund, company general manager, business unit or group subsidiary director, strategy director, R&D director, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    1) Application of ELMEVAL® for each management team member with particular focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait) , taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria required by each department (general management, finance, strategy, R&D, marketing, legal, human resources, etc.). See also specific package descriptions for each type of key manager plus criteria linked to the business culture and its leadership model as provided and explained by the instructing party. 2) Application of specific ELMEVAL® module involving an overall audit of how the management team operates. Key indicators to be measured: Nature and level of skills. Complementarity of skills, ability to work together. Cultural complementarity, ability to form a cohesive group (gender balance is one key aspect of this but not the only one). Qualitative Pro-assessment of a number of critical strategic factors: Potential for collective strategic vision Proactiveness / responsiveness Good grasp of risks and opportunities Recommendations for changes in human resources management: Additional training Resignations and recruitment

    Description and role of the consulting team

    For each director involved, standard application of Pro-assessment method by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting) + presentation by one of our strategic management experts (3 hours). Application of an overall predictive audit model (see above section on boards of directors). As part of the overall strategic audit, work with a strategic development firm combined with our procedure for drafting conclusions and drawing up a summary report (the number of days required will depend on each specific situation).

  • Crisis / turnaround: Proactively identifying and assessing key managers best suited for crisis management situations. Recommendations and preventive training.


    Identify who among the company’s key managers have the emotional, behavioural and managerial qualities to deal with a crisis situation. Search for “parachutes".

    Target population

    CEO and his/her No. 1s. Some No. 2s considered to be high-potential or who are in key positions.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Board of directors, bank or investment fund, general manager of company, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of ELMEVAL® to assess general managers, their No. 1s and No. 2s identified by the instructing party with particular focus on the module "ELM behaviour in a complex and uncertain environment”. Drafting of an overall report with conclusions on the strengths and weaknesses of the team when faced with a reversal. Simulations of organisational changes within the company so that those managers identified as the best suited to deal with crisis situations are prepared for and trained in their new potential leadership responsibilities.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    For each director involved, standard application of Pro-assessment method by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting) + presentation by one of the firm’s strategic management experts (3 hours). Interviews with the general management team, brain-storming sessions and focus group work with Leaders Excellence Partners to solve specific issues (the number of days required will depend on each specific situation).

  • Mergers and acquisitions: Identifying and assessing managers capable of forming a management team to lead change Helping the main decision-maker of the merged companies make leadership changes


    Mergers and acquisitions operations often fail, not because of a failure to appreciate the business and financial aspect of the deal but because of human issues, specifically the wrong choice of management team. The purpose of this package is to: Prior to the merger, identify key managers within the merging companies who could play a strategic role in leading change, managing the new company post-merger and ensuring its success. Provide consultancy, support and training to help them adjust to the new situation. Assess the main decision-maker for the new company post-merger and provide him/her with specific support to adjust his/her leadership style.

    Target population

    For each of the merging companies, the management team and a number of No. 2s considered to be high-potential or who are in key positions.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Banks or investment funds, boards of directors or general management of purchasing company, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of ELMEVAL® for all managers identified by the instructing party with particular focus on the module "ELM behaviour in a complex and uncertain environment”. Depending on the new organisation being envisaged (or the various organisational options) as provided by the instructing party, we will issue recommendations on filling each position. We will issue an overall predictive audit of the new management team (see above section on boards of management). We will make recommendations and suggestions for fine-tuning (consultancy, support and training for the new management team for the first 100 days after takeover).

    Description and role of the consulting team

    For each director involved, standard application of Pro-assessment method by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + 2-hour feedback meeting) + presentation by one of the firm’s strategic management experts (3 hours). Interviews with the general management team, brain-storming sessions and focus group work with Leaders Excellence Partners on specific issues (the number of days required will depend on the specific situations encountered). Fine-tuning for the first 100 days.

Detection of potential individual entrepreneurship / leadership / management
  • Guidance: Exploring and developing entrepreneurs, leaders and managers


    Deepening and developing your own managerial profile.

    Target population

    Senior executives or young managers with potential. Business schools and engineering schools. Students looking for career guidance.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies whose senior executives have career development issues, recruitment consultancy, coaches and individuals.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application in full of standard ELEMVAL method.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback / development proposals: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours), young managers with potential (1 hour). Final report and recommendations for the instructing party.

  • Personal and career development: 360-degree management interview


    Deepening and developing target’s managerial profile either for improvement and development purposes or to gain guidance at a critical time.

    Target population

    Individuals requesting this approach (from recent graduates to experienced managers, leaders and entrepreneurs).

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Individuals, recruitment consultancy, coaches, companies with career development issues (individuals at a turning point in their career).

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application in full of standard ELEMVAL method.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + feedback / development proposals: 2 hours). Additional presentation by a consultant with expertise in strategic development (3 hours), potential or new entrepreneurs (1 hour).

Specific Pro-assessments
Diversity / cultural integration
  • Pro-assessment of leaders or managers from a different ethnic or cultural background: Will the relocation work?


    Assessing a manager from a different ethnic or cultural background with a view to placing them in a new company. After checking the candidate’s managerial skills and operational value for the company and determining their profile and the type of positions suitable for them within the company, this study will focus on answering the following questions: Does this manager fit in with the company’s management culture? What are the costs and benefits of hiring them or placing them in a division? Which candidates are best suited to the company's culture and leadership model? (if there is number of candidates to choose from) Which recommendations for supporting the manager to ensure his/her success?

    Target population

    One or more candidates selected by the company or an external recruitment company.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies (general management or human resources, depending on the candidate’s level). Head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full for each candidate, with specific focus on Phase 4 (cultural intelligence) and, in Phase 2, taking into account (managerial portrait) criteria relevant to the company’s culture and its leadership model, as provided and explained by the instructing party.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® for each candidate by the Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3hours + 1-hour feedback to candidate + 1-hour feedback to instructing party and final report with support recommendations). The 1st 3-hour session will be carried out with the assistance of a management expert. Report handed over to instructing party.

  • Pro-assessment of candidate managers and leaders with atypical backgrounds


    Pro-assessment of managers or potential managers (i.e. recent graduates) from atypical backgrounds with a view to placing them in the company. There are two possible scenarios: The candidate already has experience as a manager, leader or entrepreneur and the point is to check their managerial skills, operational value for the company and suitability for a particular position. The candidate is a humanities graduate (i.e. not an economics, science, technical or managerial graduate) who wants a career in business. In both scenarios, after checking the candidate’s managerial skills or potential and determining their profile and the type of positions suitable for them within the company, this study will focus on answering the following questions: Does this manager (or recent graduate) fit in with the company’s management culture? What are the costs and benefits of hiring them or placing them in a division? What recommendations for supporting / training / developing the manager (or graduate) to ensure his/her success?

    Target population

    One or more candidates selected by the company, an external recruitment company or a university.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Human resources and diversity managers in charge of relations with universities, head hunters, etc.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full for each candidate, with specific focus on in Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account criteria related to the manager’s ability, ambition and drive. The ability to adapt to the specific company culture and its leadership model, as provided by the instructing party will also be measured.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® for each candidate by the Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3hours + 1-hour feedback to candidate + 1-hour feedback to instructing party and final report with support recommendations). The 1st 3-hour session will be carried out with the assistance of a management expert. Report handed over to instructing party.

  • Interview / exploratory Pro-assessment before deciding to transfer a manager abroad


    To answer the following questions: Is the decision to transfer the manager abroad the right one for him/her and the company? Under what conditions? What support and monitoring measures should be set up to ensure a successful transfer?

    Target population

    Managers applying for transfer abroad.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies (general management, business unit directors, human resources, international career managers, etc.) and head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Mini-interview with ELMEVAL® focusing on cultural intelligence and the management criteria of personal independence and autonomy.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    1˝ -hour interview with Leaders Excellence Partners representative. Report handed over to instructing party.

  • Pro-assessment of management skills of spouse accompanying a manager for transfer abroad


    Pro-assessment of management skills of spouses of candidates for transfer abroad, with a view to looking for a job in the country they are relocating to.

    Target population

    Spouses of candidates for transfer abroad.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies or individuals.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Mini-interview with ELMEVAL® Quick overview of the job opportunities in the country they are relocating to. Setting up contacts with local companies that can help them look for a job.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    1˝-hour interview with Leaders Excellence Partners representative. Report handed over to interested party and instructing party.

  • Interview / Pro-assessment during or after a transfer abroad


    Assess the management contributions and any issues faced by the manager with regard to their transfer abroad and preparing for their return (reintegration into the company, helping them fully leverage their experience abroad, etc.).

    Target population

    Managers returning from a transfer abroad.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies or individuals.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Specific module including a mini-interview with ELMEVAL® and professional Pro-assessment.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    2 interviews with Leaders Excellence Partners representative (2 x 1˝ hours). Report handover to interested party and instructing party.

  • Complete Pro-assessment package including decision support for transfer abroad, monitoring during transfer, spousal support and preparing for return from abroad


    Il s’agit d’un package complet comprenant les 3 produits : This is a complete package that includes the following 3 services: Interview / exploratory Pro-assessment before deciding to transfer a manager abroad Pro-assessment of management skills of spouse accompanying a manager for transfer abroad Interview / Pro-assessment during or after a transfer abroad

Recruiting / taking up a position
  • Individual recruitment or induction Pro-assessment


    Management Pro-assessment prior to recruitment or induction.

    Target population

    Candidates for senior management or leadership positions or young high-potential managers.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies, recruitment agencies and head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Standard application of method with focus on one or other aspects as per instructing party’s request.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® Leaders Excellence Partners consultant (2 x 3 hours + 1-hour feedback to instructing party and final report with support recommendations). The 1st 3-hour session will be carried out with the assistance of a management expert. Report handed over to instructing party.

  • Pro-assessment study of an individual’s suitability for a particular position


    Management Pro-assessment study on an individual’s suitability for a particular position (for individuals currently holding that position). Recommendations on whether to maintain the individual in the position. If yes, suggested short-term support measures to improve the individual’s suitability for the position and medium-term measures for his/her career development. If no, recommendations for the individual’s career development.

    Target population

    Individuals currently in senior executive, leadership or other key positions in the company.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies (human resource and career managers).

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool by Leaders Excellence Partners representative (2 x 3 hours). The 1st 3-hour session will be carried out with the assistance on a Leaders Excellence Partners expert on strategic managerial matters, depending on the nature of the position. Handover of final report to instructing party and recommendations (1 hour).

  • Pro-assessment and short-listing of candidates for a position


    Pro-assessment of a number of candidates for a position. Assessing the suitability of an individual for a position.

    Target population

    Internal or external candidates for a senior management, leadership or other key position in the company.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies (general management and career managers), recruitment agencies and investment funds.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    The method is applied in full, candidate by candidate, with specific focus on Phase 2 (managerial portrait), taking into account the types of behaviour and a set of specific criteria developed and identified by Leaders Excellence Partners experts as necessary to hold these positions. Drafting of a final overall report.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application of ELMEVAL® tool for each candidate by Leaders Excellence Partners representative (2 x 3 hours). The 1st 3-hour session will be carried out with the assistance on a Leaders Excellence Partners expert on strategic managerial matters, depending on the nature of the position. Handover of final report to instructing party and recommendations (1 hour).

Behavioural evaluation
  • Managerial behaviour in complex and uncertain environments: how does the individual deal with risk ? To what extent is he able to cope with stress, fear and anxiety ?


    Assess the manager’s attitude to the issues at stake.

    Target population

    Strategic company managers.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies, investment funds and head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of specific section of ELMEVAL® relating to this issue.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application by Leaders Excellence Partners representative of ELMEVAL® module “Managerial behaviour in a complex and uncertain environment” (1˝-hour interview). Feedback to interested party (45 minutes). Report drafted and handed over to instructing party.

  • The science of human values, preferences and behaviour: studying individual managers’ value systems and forecasting how they deal with the issues of power, ethics, money and profit


    Description of manager’s value systems and preferences in order to anticipate their behaviour and attitudes in a number of managerial situations.

    Target population

    Strategic company managers.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies, investment funds and head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of specific section of ELMEVAL® relating to this issue.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application by Leaders Excellence Partners representative of ELMEVAL® module “The science of human values, preferences and behaviour” (1˝-hour interview). Feedback to interested party (45 minutes). Report drafted and handed over to instructing party.

Our target clients

Private-and public-sector businesses and organisations

Leaders Excellence Partners offers a full range of solutions to assess directors and managers, to identify and develop leadership potential and to shortlist potential successors to strategic managers from large financial holdings, industrial groups, services corporations to emerging businesses and tech start-ups.

With our unique package named ‘Auditing the balance and complementarity of skills within boards of directors – recommendations for change’, Leaders Excellence Partners underscores the importance of the managerial quality of executives for company governance – both individually and as a group.

Further, our specific focus on female leaders, managers and entrepreneurs goes beyond current trends to underline the critical contribution of women to business success.

Financial institutions

Financial institutions such as banks, investment funds and lending institutions often need to address the challenge of choosing the right investments. With such tools as ‘Pro-assessment of currently employed SME directors and owners – helping with leadership changes’ or ‘Pro-assessment of entrepreneurs – upskilling management and leadership styles’, we will help you make the best investment choices.

We also provide in-house services to help financial institutions assess their traders and investment managers:

  • Managerial behaviour in complex and uncertain environments: how does the individual deal with risk ? To what extent is he able to cope with stress, fear and anxiety ?


    Assess the manager’s attitude to the issues at stake.

    Target population

    Strategic company managers.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies, investment funds and head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of specific section of ELMEVAL® relating to this issue.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application by Leaders Excellence Partners representative of ELMEVAL® module “Managerial behaviour in a complex and uncertain environment” (1˝-hour interview). Feedback to interested party (45 minutes). Report drafted and handed over to instructing party.

  • The science of human values, preferences and behaviour: studying individual managers’ value systems and forecasting how they deal with the issues of power, ethics, money and profit


    Description of manager’s value systems and preferences in order to anticipate their behaviour and attitudes in a number of managerial situations.

    Target population

    Strategic company managers.

    Clients (instructing parties)

    Companies, investment funds and head hunters.

    ELMEVAL: method of application

    Application of specific section of ELMEVAL® relating to this issue.

    Description and role of the consulting team

    Application by Leaders Excellence Partners representative of ELMEVAL® module “The science of human values, preferences and behaviour” (1˝-hour interview). Feedback to interested party (45 minutes). Report drafted and handed over to instructing party.

Strategic, auditing and human resources consultancy firms

Strategic, auditing and human resources consultancy firms will also benefit from Leaders Excellence Partners’ services for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs. Indeed, our managerial audit of executive teams allows for a greater understanding of the human assets and requirements of our clients’ businesses. It also gives a clear picture of the issues to be addressed.

Business schools, engineering schools and universities

Leaders Excellence Partners can work with business schools, engineering schools and universities through our package ‘Guidance: exploring and developing entrepreneurs, leaders and managers’ to offer their graduates the best possible guidance to start their professional career. Universities can also avail of our package ‘Pro-assessment of manager and leader candidates with atypical backgrounds’ to identify motivated students from arts (and other fields) to move to a managerial career.

Individuals & students

ELMEVAL® – our predictive tool for identifying entrepreneurs, leaders and managers – allows individuals and students who are at a crossroads to choose the best path, with the package ‘Guidance‘: exploring and developing entrepreneurial, leadership and managerial skills’. Those who already have a job can pursue their development with our ‘Career and personal development’ package which includes a face-to-face management interview.

Credits © 2013 - Leaders Excellence Partners


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Tel. +33 1 43 29 44 33 / Mob. +33 6 22 32 56 74

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IrŹne Papaligouras
Leaders Excellence Partners